2024 Journal Impact Factor: 0.6

Historical data
H Index: 26
Editorial Times
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SCImago Journal & Country Rank
Rejection rate: 78.63%

Gaceta Médica de México México is the official scientific journal of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de México, A.C.

NOTICE: Our readers are informed that as of No. 1 Vol. 156, 2020, Gaceta Médica de México will be published simultaneously in Spanish and English languages.

Artículos COVID-19

Current Issue:

Vol.160 Num.2

March - April,
160, Number 2

We inform our readers that starting on issue 2, volume 156, 2020, Gaceta Médica de México will publish documents in ahead of print that require it because of its scientific relevance. Articles in ahead of print have a DOI, therefore they are already citable. To read these documents, please visit submenu “ahead of print” under menu “browse”. Here you will find the ahead of print published articles (in English and Spanish) that will be included in the following issues.


Alejandro E. Macías-Hernández, Elsa J. Sarti-Gutiérrez, Germán Fajardo-Dolci, Raúl Carrillo-Esper

Preparedness for an upcoming pandemic. Recommendations by the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico

Review articles:

Víctor Hugo Olmedo-Canchola, Pierre Jean-Aurelus, Miguel Á. Vásquez-Luna, José I. Santos-Preciado

Certification exams evaluated with serial clinical cases: theoretical and problematic approach

Alejandro Torres-Flores, Isabel Wong-Baeza, Constantino López-Macías

Contribution of memory T cells to the generation of long-lasting immunity against COVID-19

Original articles:

Luis Del Carpio-Orantes, Daniela Trelles-Hernández, Sergio García-Méndez, Jesús S. Sánchez-Díaz, Andrés Aguilar-Silva, Ener R. López-Vargas

Clinical-epidemiological characterization of patients with long COVID in Mexico

José H. Hernández-Jerónimo, Nancy C. Martínez-Rivera, Carolina Pérez-Jiménez, Patricia Volkow-Fernández, Alexandra Martin-Onraet

Multimorbidity in people living with HIV and cancer in Mexico

Nallely Aguiñaga-Martínez, Juan de Dios Zavala-Rubio, Melissa Ramírez-Ruíz, Alberto J. Hernández-Garza, Martín Segura-Chico, Miriam J. De la Mata-Márquez, Dolores Mino-León

Prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs in outpatient hypertensive patients

Ilze J. Huerta-De la Luz, Mardia Lopez-Alarcón, Víctor S. Vital-Reyes, Diego Benítez-Moreno, Óscar Huerta-De la Luz

Usefulness of mindfulness for the management of anxiety, stress, and quality of life in infertile women. A clinical exploratory study

Eduardo A. Hernández-Muñoz, Jessica Gil-Lozada, Jorge B. Díaz-Ramírez, Eugenio V. Zavala-Sánchez, Elia Lara-Lona

Missed opportunities for prevention of congenital syphilis

Guadalupe Soto-Estrada, Manuel García-Minjares, Adrián I. Martínez-Franco, Carlos Gutiérrez-Cirlos, Adrián Martínez-González

Health sciences graduates: perception of their professional training and job placement

Juan C. Martínez-Ramírez, Enrique Villarreal-Ríos, Blanca I. García-Díaz, Liliana Galicia-Rodríguez

Family out-of-pocket expenditure for type 2 diabetes mellitus care and percentage of family income

Letter's to the editor:

Ma. Eugenia Jiménez-Corona, Luis P. Cruz-Hervert, Mauricio Rodríguez-Álvarez, Samuel Ponce-de-León-Rosales

Comment on the article “Guillain-Barre syndrome before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in a referral center of Mexico”

Juan C. López-Hernández, Javier Galnares-Olalde, Edwin S. Vargas-Cañas

Authors’ reply to the letter “Guillain-Barré syndrome before and during the COVID-19 pandemic”

Jorge A. Castrillón-Lozano, Dayhana Arango-Cárdenas, Daniel E. Marulanda-Márquez

Artificial intelligence and screening for visual impairment related to diabetic retinopathy and macular edema

Liliana Pérez-Peralta, David Rivera-De la Parra, Enrique O. Graue-Hernández, Sergio Hernández-Jiménez, Paloma Almeda-Valdés, Héctor Velázquez-Jurado, Aída Jiménez-Corona

Authors’ reply to the letter to the editor “Artificial intelligence and screening for visual impairment related to diabetic retinopathy and macular edema”

Henry C. Rivas-Sucari, José L. Rodríguez-Eguizabal

Cognitive health in older adults, a public health challenge

David Rivas-Sucari, José L. Rodríguez-Eguizabal, Henry C. Rivas-Sucari

Reflections on anxiety and depression disorders in pandemic times

David Rivas-Sucari, José L. Rodríguez-Eguizabal, Henry C. Rivas-Sucari

Diabetes mellitus type 2: associations with obesity, food addiction and, possibly, human development index
